Dear Ex-Bestfriend...

It feels a bit weird writing this. It feels weird to think that we used to basically be attached at the hip, and now we’re pretty much strangers to each other. For me, I never fully got the closure I needed. To me, our friendship ended on (somewhat) bad terms.

The last time I reached out to you was at the very beginning of this year. I tried to explain that I was struggling mentally/emotionally and still held on to some negativity regarding our, for lack of a better term, situation. I wanted to meet and just get it all off my chest and you said you’d let me know when you were free over the next couple weeks. You never got back to me.

I kind of thought that even though we weren't friends, if one of us was really struggling, we would still be there for each other. Nobody should feel as if they're struggling.

I think our friendship started to strain a bit when we both found ourselves in serious relationships. I know it was NEVER intentional, but it just started to feel like a competition. I didn’t like that - especially when I still felt a bit insecure in my relationship at the time. It felt like a game of who’s boyfriend was better and who’s relationship was better. I just wanted us to be happy for each other.

It didn’t help that I wasn’t the biggest fan of your boyfriend. Maybe it was because your relationship had a weird start and I didn’t think he could be trusted. Maybe it was the way he acted. It didn't help that he just seemed to be everywhere. Maybe I just thought you could do better. I guess I didn't really know if it would last even. You guys are still together now and I can honestly say that I am happy you found someone who makes you so happy. I've changed my mind about him a little bit - he can be a decent guy.

It was also shortly after that I started my ‘grown up’ job. I was very proud of myself for getting that job. However, having a full time job, meant that I didn’t have as much time to hangout.

A lot started to happen and life took over. My dog was diagnosed with epilepsy and it was very bad (she’s doing a bit better now, thanks). She started talking a lot of medications at specific times and was in and out of the vets. It was pricey. Anyone who knows me, knows that my dog is my baby. I literally refer to her as my daughter and I was really distraught over her epilepsy.
My parents were gone pretty much every weekend that summer, so I had to stay home and watch the dogs.
My BF and I were going through a weird rough patch and my anxiety really came out around that time.

Of course, I felt bad for not being able to do things. And it honestly was because most of the time, I didn’t have the money or the time.

It got to a point where we both stopped trying to hangout. I was too anxious to tell you what I was going through and how I felt about our stupid ‘competition’. Maybe I should have told you. Maybe you could have asked me what was wrong instead of instantly labeling me as a bad friend. If I had told you what was going on, maybe you would have understood. I don't know.

It was catty. We talked about each other behind each other’s backs. We said mean things. We both felt the same way. But I also learned quickly that 2 is company and 3 is a crowd. When you’re in a trio of besties, shit is going to go down. Nothing you say is (probably) truly safe.

I remember a few months later of not talking, we got into a fight over messenger. You called me immature and all this other crap. I apologized for hurting your feelings, but (not so) funnily enough, you told me I didn’t deserve an apology because you didn’t do anything wrong. Here’s the thing though. You need to realize that you can unintentionally hurt peoples feelings. You can’t just dismiss what someone is trying to tell you. Honestly, that made me so upset. We both hurt each other. We both deserved apologies.

I guess we talked here and there because we have a friend in common. Part of me really missed you as a friend and wishes we could be friends again. Looking back though, parts of our friendship were so unhealthy. There was too much. I’m still going through a lot and dealing with my anxiety, so I know it wouldn’t be good for me. I know that we would never go back to how we were before.

Part of me is still waiting for that apology - the one I’ll never get. If I ever got one, I would be happy and very surprised.

We still have a lot of common, like our love of Harry Potter, but we've also changed a lot too. I can't speak for you, but I like to think that I have matured and grown into more of an adult now. My partying phase is long over. The version you knew of me is over. But know that I am happy. I'm so happy with who I am, my BF, my life, everything. Despite my anxiety, I try to make the best of everything.

On Facebook you seem happy. I hope you are. You deserve happiness. I honestly mean that.

However, if I see you in public, don’t be surprised if it’s an awkward hello or if I downright ignore you. I’m not trying to be rude. You’re just another stranger to me now.
I realize that we have mutual friends and if we're ever at the same get together... well that's a bridge we'll cross when we get to it.

Take care.

I am sorry our friendship ended this way (but it's better than other dramatic alternatives),

PS. You still have some of my clothes. I think I have your CD. We never got to that part of our "break up."

Me And My Fat

Although my mom says I only started gaining a substantial amount of weight at about 12, I can’t remember a time that wasn’t on the larger side. My teen years were spent alternately cursing my weight, and stuffing my face with any sweet treat I could get my hands on.

I wanted to burn this grade 8 graduation photo of myself because I felt so big. I was probably a size 8. I had no clue what was to come.

 It doesn't help that my family has a history of being plus size, and that I'm still learning to take care of myself. I try, but not usually hard enough. I REALLY like to eat and I REALLY DON’T like to exercise. It’s been a long battle of gaining and losing the same approximately 50 pounds. I spent much of my teenage years hanging out with my family, the only people who didn’t make comments about my weight. I was unaware that if I put myself out there, I could find real friends who didn’t care what size I was, who liked me for what really made me me, my personality. In fact, it wasn’t until I was in my early 20s that I met an amazing woman that I now get to call my best friend, Jesse, that I understood that there were people who weren’t related to me who loved me for me. 

Headed out to have the most amazing time at Jesse's bachelorette party!

We went out shopping, and to the pub, and she even set me up with the guy who ended up being my first boyfriend. For the first time, I felt confidence, and I didn’t worry, or even think, about my weight. That friendship made me feel like I was on top of the world. Coincidentally, during that period, I actually lost about 20 pounds. I felt better than ever. But because life happened, in that way it does, leaving little time for exercise, or full healthy meals, I gained it back, and then some. Away from home, my family and best friends, dealing with the stress of my first full time job in years, where I sit at a desk every day, I hit a high of 235 pounds last year. I’ve slowly been been whittling it down (when I weight myself this morning, I was 213), but I still have to go to work, and bus to and from home, which leaves me sitting for roughly 12 hours a day. It’s not easy, but I’m working on getting more active.

In the meantime though, I’ve been left with an excess of fat that’s gotten quite comfortable hanging off of me. The other day, I was watching a YouTube video from Lucy Wood, and she talked about people telling her she’s not fat, and how she is fat, because she has fat on her. That’s exactly it. I am fat. Because I have fat. That’s not me bullying myself. It’s just fact. I’ve accepted it. I fell in love and got engaged as a fat girl. I got a promotion as a fat girl. I have friends, and I go out, and I enjoy my life as a fat girl. I'm in awe of what my body can do. My legs are super strong, and get me where I need to go, and my arms can lift a ton. I'm full of zest for life, and some fat around my stomach doesn't change that!

The love of my life, Poya, and I

My fiancĂ© cannot understand that I say I’m ok with my fat. He thinks saying I’m ok with it means that I don’t want to lose weight. That I’ve given up. That’s not it at all. But I’ve spent years being exhausted by the thought of how much I weigh, and how I can change it. It consumes my mind. I’m over that. As long as I’m eating moderately healthy meals and going for a walk every day, then I say good riddance to worrying about it. I don’t have a goal weight any more. I just want to feel as good and full of life as I can. I’m ready to be free.

I'm still new to this loving myself thing. Let me know in the comments below if you have any tips for body acceptance!