Tips to handle a busy schedule

Recently engaged, I've started working an extra part time job during evenings and weekends to save extra money for the wedding, and a future home. Combined with my other job though, I'm working 65 hours a week, and it can take a toll. Below, I share some of my tips for handling an incredibly busy life.

1. Meal prepping

Meal prepping can be incredibly helpful when life gets busy. It frees up time before work, and helps keep on track with healthy eating. I'm currently on Weight Watchers, so this is huge for me. It might not seem like a lot to spend 10 extra minutes making lunch in the morning, but that's 10 more minutes that you could be sleeping.

2. Multi-task everything

I multi-task everything that I can. I constantly listen to books on tape and podcasts while doing dishes and going for walks, so that I can do two things at once. I also have Bluetooth headphones so that I can talk to my mom and fiance while I go for walks and do my meal prepping. I've even been known to eat dinner while relaxing in the tub. I am the queen of multi tasking. It helps me keep on track with my goals, and gives me a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

3. Treat yourself

I cannot stress enough how important this is. Working two jobs, working while in school, volunteering, whatever it is, you need to reward all your fantastic effort. I recently got myself a new Fitbit and headphones, and I don't feel guilty about it at all, because I've worked hard to deserve them. If you put every single cent in the bank, you'll go crazy. Even if it's just a new outfit or a manicure, YOU MUST TREAT YOURSELF.

4. Fit exercise in and around your life

When you're juggling a full schedule, exercise can fall by the wayside. I certainly don't have time to spend on the treadmill. Instead, I've made a commitment to fitting in exercise around my schedule. When it's nice, I take walks on my lunch break, and unless it's truly terrible out, I always walk to and from my second job. It's only 15 minutes each way, but it makes a huge difference.

5. Get enough sleep

I know that can be really difficult when you're really busy, but sleep has to be top priority when you have long, full days. I used to stay up all hours of the night, reading BuzzFeed and watching YouTube, trying to regain the evenings and weekends I've lost to my second job, but I've finally given up and tried to get more rest. I thank myself for it in the morning, at the start of the next long day.

6. Feed and water yourself

Just like a plant, you need adequate food and water to sustain yourself. Nutrition might not seem that important when rushing from one thing to the next, but if you're going to have all the needed energy, you need to eat healthy meals. They don't need to be anything elaborate. Sometimes my dinner is mini whole grain naan pizzas that I make in under two minutes, and steamed broccoli.Simple and relatively nutritious.

7. Reach out

If you're stressed, make sure not to bottle it up. Let someone know. Keeping stress in is incredibly unhealthy, and not worth saving others from hearing about it. If they love you, they're going to be happy that you reached out. Let it out, talk about it, and you'll be better for it!

I really hope that these tips have helped, I know they've helped me so far. Stay sane, and let me know in the comments below if you have any tips that you'd like to share.

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