Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is getting closer. The day of romance, chocolate, roses and sexy lingerie. Unless you're not in a relationship - then it's chocolates, netflix, romcoms and comfy PJs.

My question is this: Why do we celebrate?

I did a little bit of research and it's a little bit difficult to find a straight answer. From what I can see it leads back to Saint Valentine who, some believe to be a priest. It was thought that he helped couples get married and he was punished for doing so. I also read that it has origins from the Roman holiday called Lupercalia - a festival to rid evil spirits, cleanse the city and release purity, health and fertility. 
Although, I swear being told something about Valentine ridding a town of snakes when I was in like, first grade. I don't know.

Along the way though, February 14th has turned into the ultimate Hallmark holiday that makes couples feel pressured to celebrate their love. If you're in love, you're lucky. If not, you're shit (excuse my language) out of luck and made to feel forever alone. 

When in a relationship, it's expected for there for be flowers and chocolate. A lovely intimate dinner followed by, well, an intimate - sexy-  time with your partner.

When you're alone, it's expected that you feel down in the dumps. Eat all that chocolate, sit in your pjs and binge watch romantic comedies wishing that was your life.

I think that it's really great to have a day to celebrate and share your love for one another. But why do we narrow that down to one day? While I think that it's a nice thought to go all out for Valentine's, I also think that it's completely unnecessary. You should be making each other feel special every day or on any random day. Share your feelings whenever and tell your partner you love them often. Surprise them with flowers randomly. I think it means more to have all of these little special moments because it means that they're thinking of you - or you of them, rather than feeling like it's expected and you have to do it on this particular day.

This Valentine's Day, the BF and I are making dinner together at home and are just going to enjoy each other's company. Nothing crazy, nothing fancy. Just me and him - enjoying each other's company. That's the way I like it.

If you're single, don't let it get you down! Again, it's just another day. Pamper yourself - love yourself. That's important. If you want to do something, grab some friends and celebrate a Galentine's Day or a Friendine's Day. 

Remember to love always and to not feel pressured by the "hype" around Valentine's Day.
Whatever you choose to do - whether it be a fancy dinner, something expensive, cheap, simple or nothing at all - that's it's the perfect choice.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the day of love, so leave a comment below!

Happy Valentine's Day lovelies! xox

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