Since my fiancé and I became engaged in December, we’ve spent approximately 25-30 hours together. He works 45 hours a week and is taking a university class, and I work 65 hours a week between my two jobs, so that we can save for our wedding. Texting and phone calls help, but honestly, it’s time for us to move in together, for no other reason (although there are lots of other reasons including convenience and cost effectiveness), than at least to see each other more. As excited as I am, though, this doesn’t come without reservations on both ends. I’ve never lived with a significant other, and he’s never lived with someone who wasn’t his mom, so this is going to be a huge adjustment.
On top of general reservations about space and alone time, there’s also utilities and car insurance and payments, and a lot of other costs that I wasn’t paying before. It’s a huge undertaking, and honestly a lot to consider before you move in with someone. I’ve honestly had cold feet a couple times (never about living with him, just about the huge undertaking that moving in with someone is).
Another contributing factor to the nerves is that this means that I’m officially, really and truly, an adult. Even though I’m almost 28, I’ve lived the past few years suspended somewhere between adolescence and adulthood. I obviously pay bills and buy groceries and go to work every day, but living with many roommates, it’s always a bit of a good time, no matter the time of day. Moving in with my fiancé means that it’s going to be a quieter and more adult environment. Every Sunday isn’t going to be a dinner party, and there isn’t always going to be someone up at midnight, ready to talk and eat ice cream.
But obviously, the pros outweigh my reservations. First, and foremost, I get to live with the love of my life. I get to wake up every morning with him there, and no matter how crazy the day is, he’ll always be there at the end of it. We can make our favourite foods, watch our favourite movies, and be our silly selves together. No late, goofy laugh fest with a roommate can top that, no matter how much I love my roomies, which is a lot.
Also, I get to furnish a whole house. My dishes, my cups, my pots and pans, my paintings and posters, all purchased with my hard earned money. My fiancé doesn’t really care about decorating, so he pretty much oks whatever I want. I’ve even purchased a pink dish set and bathroom accessories, and he didn’t bat an eyelash. It all feels so exciting and new, and I can’t wait to experience it all by his side.
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