WW Update #1
It's been a good 4 or 5 months since I've been on Weight Watchers and thought that I would offer up an update on my experience if anyone was interested.
I'll get straight to the point: I've lost around 30 pounds.
Honestly, I was hoping to have lost more by this point but this summer had a lot of stress and grief in it and I am definitely an emotional eater, which doesn't help.
Other than that, it's great honestly. It's so easy to track your points each day and pretty easy to stay within them. I like to use my weeklies on the weekend and indulge myself and then be more strict during the week - which seems to work for me.
It seems daunting to have to stick to a certain amount of points a day or even a week. It's easy though. One thing I like about WW is that it isn't actually that restrictive. It teaches you about portion control and just over all better eating habits. Even on my cheat days, I'm wondering "is there a way to make this slightly healthier?"
It can also be a fun challenge trying to figure out low point meals and it encourages you to try different foods you may not have otherwise tried.
I also really enjoy the Connect aspect of the app. It's so motivating and encouraging to see people going through the same things as you and the support you can receive is amazing.
I'm really looking forward to continuing this journey and seeing where it takes me. I'm loving feeling healthier, lighter and having clothes fit me better. I'm not doing this to be skinny because I feel like I have to be skinny. I'm doing it for myself and my health to feel better and be the best version of myself.
Are any of you on WW? How is it going for you so far? Let me know in the comments below!
Talk soon,
body image
self worth
weight loss
weight loss journey
weight watchers
Wellness that works
Let Me Catch You Up to Speed
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Not my image - just perfectly explains how I've been feeling |
Wow, it's been awhile.
Life is hectic and not gonna lie, my stress and anxiety were really getting the better of me for a little while.
Let me catch you up to speed.
My anxiety was really getting me down for awhile. I was feeling really down over so many aspects of life. I was feeling anxious about my relationship, myself, my work, finances, my friendships from the past. Basically life in general.
On top of that, my aunt has been fighting a very long battle with cancer. It's been a roller coaster for her health. I'm really sad to say that we all think the end may be coming soon, which is so heartbreaking. One thing about me is that I do not do well when people are sick. I can't stand to see someone in pain or not be themselves. It makes me feel terrible.
We went in to visit one day and honestly, I had to leave the room before I had a full on panic attack. Seeing her there like she was, made my head spin and I felt so sick.
I don't know if anyone else feels like that, but I feel guilty for going out and having fun when I know someone we love is suffering. It doesn't feel right. Not only is my aunt suffering, but the whole family is too. My mom and all of her siblings are having such a hard time with this and doing all that they can.
What makes it extra hard is that almost exactly a year ago, we went through the exact same thing with my boyfriend's aunt. A year apart, we're reliving the same thing.
To make life a bit harder, one of our cats is sick too. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am so emotionally attached to my pets.. it's probably not the healthiest. The vet doesn't know what's wrong with her. Somehow the pathologist couldn't decide if it was a bladder infection or a tumor. Those are very different things - how could you not tell the difference? She's on antibiotics but they don't seem to be helping.
I'm scared that we're going to lose both of them. It's making me feel so anxious and stressed and sad.
So for the past two months especially, life is not being the kindest to us. I'm not going to lie, I've spent a lot of time feeling sad and crying and having breakdowns. I'm trying my best now to do what I can to look after myself as well.
Like the lyrics in the image say, I feel like I've been tested. I'm determined to come out on top though.
I'm going to try my best to post content on here for you guys because it really does help me feel better.
If anyone else is going through a rough time, my heart goes out to you. It will get better for the both of us in time. That I'm sure of.
If anyone ever needs to talk, feel free to email us and we would be glad to listen.
Talk to you soon,
Joining WW & What’s My Why?
About a month ago, I decided to make a big lifestyle change. After much consideration I decided to join Weight Watchers.
With any sort of big lifestyle change, you need to think about your why. Why do you want to make this change? This is something that WW really focuses on.
So what is my why?
I want to finally feel healthy. I want to feel confident. When I walk down the aisle one day, I want to feel beautiful. When I have kids one day, I want to feel healthy and fit enough to run around after my little kids. I’m doing this for myself right now and for myself in the future.
So far, I’m loving it.
I’ve been doing it for about a month so far. It was tricky at first, but it gets easier every day. This is a decision I’ll never regret. Sure it’s hard sometimes not being able to have that extra slice of pizza or that drink, but I know that in the end it’s worth it!
Have you tried Weight Watchers? Are you on your own health journey?
I would love to hear about it in the comments below!
Until next time,
healthy lifestyle
mental health
weight loss
weight loss journey
weight watchers
Our Experiences with Online Dating
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Not our photo |
I was so anxious to try online dating at first. I initially tried it because my friend was going to and it was one those I will if you will situations.
I was an idiot and pretty much messaged back anyone who sent me a message. Even if I didn’t find myself attracted to them. That was dumb of me. I remember one guy - we talked a lot and he asked me out. I respectfully (and politely) declined because I felt no attraction. Physically or emotionally. They got so angry and called me names and ranted about how I didn’t know them so I could I know I don’t like them? Call me crazy, but I’m pretty sure you can feel a connection online without meeting them. Catfish anyone? It happens all the time.
I was excited and didn’t really think anything would come of it. I wasn’t even really trying to find anyone to be with. I honestly was rooting more for my friend to find one.I was anxious to try online dating. I didn’t know much about it, but I did know a couple people who tried it. A friend convinced me to try it and it was line of those situations of I will if you will.
I ended up meeting someone and we texted. A lot. We obsessively flirted through text and had great banter. We met up one night when both of us happened to be going to the same club with our friends. It was so awkward. How could we have so much connection online and nothing in person? That’s what I felt. Nothing. We chatted a bit and that was that. We texted a bit more after that and I remember him saying he wishes he had kissed me. I don’t know how he got that vibe. A few days later, he told me he had a girlfriend and it was goodbye.
I deleted my account on Plenty of Fish and gave up.
A few months went by, and I decided to give it another go. I decided that I really did want to find someone. I didn’t make the mistake of replying to everyone and tried my best, without getting my hopes up. Remember that guy i met? He appeared again and tried talking to me. I told him that I remembered him, much to his surprise. He thought I’d forgot and he’d get a chance because that other girl didn’t work out. Fat chance buddy. Not going to lie, I straight up friend zoned him.
One day, someone messaged me. It was a different message than all the usual “Hey, hows it going?”. He told me I had pretty eyes. I clicked onto his profile and saw that we had nothing in common really. How did he find my profile? It didn’t make sense. I wasn’t going to reply to him, but something in my gut told me to. So I did. We talked and talked. About music and random things. Eventually we decided to meet. We met after work at the mall. We grabbed a coffee and talked. We both were clearly nervous, but it also just felt right. Well fast forward 4 years and we’re still together.
I’m happy I gave online dating a chance. I’m even more glad that I replied to his message.
I would definitely suggest trying online dating if you haven’t. My advice would be to not be discouraged, be open minded (I ended up with a guy complete opposite of what I thought I would) and always meet in public.
I decided to try online dating because I was working with mostly only women, most of my roommates were women, and I took esthetics in college, so all of my classmates and teachers were women. It didn't seem like I would ever meet a guy in real life, so I took it online to Plenty of Fish.
At first, I was terrified. Every guy just wanted to meet up at his house. Even when I would try to insist on meeting in public, they would be completely against it, so I knew these weren't the guys for me. I got excited when I started talking to a guy on there that I'd actually had a bit of a crush on years ago, when I'd first went to college. He seemed promising, and we talked non stop, planning a date to walk around and see Christmas lights, until he mysteriously, out of nowhere, broke his leg 10 minutes before the date, and had to cancel, then could only see me at his house after that. I agreed, but before the date was supposed to happen, I saw him out in public, walking around, as fine as could be. What was his plan? To put a fake cast on his leg to fool me? Needless to say, I cancelled on going to his house.
The next guy that I talked to was quite a bit of a larger guy. I had no issue, but he was incredibly embarrassed. He kept warning me that he was even bigger than his pictures showed. We started planning a date, but at the same time, I also started talking to my fiancé. My fiancé and I texted all night, and into the next morning, and couldn't stop talking. I knew I had something real with him, so I had to let down the other guy. It was not pretty. He was convinced that it was because of his weight, and I still feel bad about it, over 4 years later. I hope he found happiness with the love of his life.
I sure am happy that I chose my fiancé though. Who else will go to Build a Bear with me, tell me I look cute when I haven't washed my hear in three days, or watch endless baby animal videos with me? We drive each other crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. He's my best friend, and my biggest supporter. I cannot wait to become his bride in September! When dating, online or not, you have to remember to do what's best for you and your heart!
Have you tried online dating? What was your experience like? Let us know in the comments below!
online dating
What I've learned about wedding planning
Before I got engaged, I had a completely different idea of what my wedding would look like. I wanted a formfitting dress, a very casual, do it yourself reception, and I wanted my hair down and flowing. It turns out that isn’t at all what the reality of my wedding is going to be. My dress is a big, puffy ball gown, we’re having a catered, sit down dinner, and since I had to cut a ton of dead hair off last year, my hair is going to be half up and shoulder length.
At first I was panicking because everything wasn’t going
according to plan. But then I realized that you have to be flexible with these
things sometimes. It’s nice when everything fits your vision, but it doesn’t always
work out like that. For example, I thought I would save money by having my
reception at a community centre in my hometown. Then I found out that there are
actually a ton of licenses and personnel that has to be involved in serving
alcohol at your own event. The price skyrocketed, and it didn’t seem worth it
anymore. Instead of panicking, with a little help from my grandma, I thought
outside the box, and now we’re having a dinner at a wonderful local restaurant,
followed by a reception at a local art gallery. It’s not going to be what I
imagined, but it’s going to be beautiful and best of all, all the serving and
set up and take down is going to be taken care of.
I’ve also learned that it’s ok to ask for help. At first, I
was determined to do it all by myself. I was going to make all the bouquets, I
was going to bake all the pies for the reception, and I was going to find all
the containers for the candy bar. It quickly became very overwhelming, and I
was shutting down. I realized that when you’re getting married, there are
usually tons of people waiting to help you with anything you ask. It really
helps de-stress you during what is supposed to be a very fun and exciting time.
Don’t be afraid to look for assistance when needed!
Now that I’ve seen that sometimes due to budget,
circumstance, and other things out of your control, what you plan for your
wedding may not be what you get, I’ve decided to let go and see what happens,
and have the best day of my life no matter what! I can’t wait to marry my best
friend, and for all the days after, and that’s what matters.
wedding planning
Get a Better Sleep
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not my photo |
Hey everyone! 2019 is now upon us and many people, as always, have made resolutions to be happy and healthy in this new year.
That is all and good, but I am a firm believer that a good night sleep is essential to this plan.
Unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with having the perfect beauty rest every night. Some nights we toss and turn and only have a light sleep.
All of that being said, here are my tips on getting a better night's sleep:
1. Have a good pillow
This is very important. Your pillow can make a world of difference and you want to make sure your head is comfortable while you sleep.
2. Temperature control
I like having my room a bit cooler for sleeping. I have found that I can't fall asleep or sleep very well when it's hot in my room. I have a duvet on my bed all year round, as well as a fan. Having these two things enables me to get my perfect level of warmth. There are many times when I wrap myself in my duvet and only stick my foot out to cool myself down.
3. Noise control
If you can't sleep when it is noisy, I would suggest buying a pair of ear plugs. There are things that make noise that we just can't control and plugs will help you out for sure.
On another note, if you like sound, white noise helps. I don't like when it's noisy, but I also dislike when it's really quiet. What can I say, the silence is a scary sound.
In the past, I have downloaded white noise apps onto my phone. It's great to pick your own mix of sounds and you can set a timer for it as well. I've even asked Alexa to play some piano lullabies for me or some soothing rain sounds.
Like I said, I have a fan which keeps me cool and also satisfies my white noise needs.
Also my dog snores.
4. Light control
It can be hard to sleep when it's bright. I feel you. The corner street lamp is visible from my room if I'm laying at a bad angle. Invest in some room darkening curtains. I have white ones which helps cancel out bright light, but it also allows light into my room. I'm not a fan of the dark ones. While they cancel out all light, I find it harder to wake up because the lack of light can make it feel like it's still night time, when in reality it's time to rise and shine!
5. Don't over stimulate your eyes!
This is so important! Sometimes if you're on your phone, tablet, laptop, whatever before bed, your eyes are very stimulated and have a hard time relaxing.I would recommend watching tv if you need something electronic to relax because it's farther away from your eyes.
6. Pamper yourself
Establish a night routine. Maybe it's doing a face mask to relax, having some tea and reading a book for a bit.
7. Meditate
When you're laying in bed, try to clear your mind. I know, it's impossible to do sometimes. We have so much stress and worries that it's hard to relax. Spray your pillow with some aromatherapy mist (vanilla & lavender is perfect!), or put on your diffuser and lay on your back. If you have trouble clearing your mind, try to visualize putting everything boxes and tossing them away. Or just literally think of nothing.
This might seem odd, but unclench your jaw, open your hands and have your palms out (or up, whichever). This really helps relax your body because no muscles are clenched.
Breathe deeply. Focus on different parts of your body. The feeling. Deep breath. And slowly return to normal breathing.
beauty sleep
healthy lifestyle
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